Rice is a staple food and a favourite in many parts of the world. However, it also has a high glycemic index, causing one’s blood sugar levels to shoot up. Good thing low-carb rice alternatives, like cauliflower, couscous, and barley, are readily available and easy to prep at home.

Here are a few rice alternatives you can try to manage your weight or add variety to your diet.

Low-Carb Rice AlternativeWeight Loss BenefitCarbohydrate Content per 1 Cup, CookedApproximate Calories per 1 Cup, Cooked*
Brown riceRich in fibre for better satiety46 g218 calories
FarroLow in calories and fat37 g169 calories
QuinoaContains all essential amino acids39 g222 calories
Cauliflower riceLow in carbs and calories4 g25 calories
BarleyHigh in fibre and protein44 g193 calories
CouscousHigh in fibre and protein36 g176 calories
Sweet potato riceLow calorie and high in fibre41 g180 calories
Bulgur wheatLow calorie and high in fibre34 g151 calories
Broccoli riceLow in carbs and calories3 g35 calories
FreekehHigh in fibre and protein45 g202 calories
*According to Nutrition Australia, a standard serve of cooked rice is about ½ cup or 75 to 120 g.

1. Brown Rice

Brown rice is rich in fibre that lower cholesterol, make you feel full, and prevent the formation of blood clots. It is considered a whole grain because it still has the bran, the endosperm, and the germ.

The germ is full of nutrients that the body needs. Due to its low glycemic index, eating brown rice will not increase the risk for Type 2 Diabetes. It is good for people who want to lose weight.

Best ways to eat brown rice for weight loss

  • Use brown rice as white rice or pasta substitute for soups and stir-fries
  • Make a grain bowl with brown rice, vegetables, and choice of protein
Brown Rice

2. Farro

This grain comes from a species of wheat and is also called emmer wheat. It has a nutty flavour when cooked. It is prepared by boiling in water until it is soft.

Farro stands out from other low-carb rice alternatives because of its high calcium and iron content, as well as Vitamins A, C, E, and B vitamins. Because of its low calorie and fat content, it is an ideal diet for people who want to stay healthy while losing weight.

Best ways to eat farro for weight loss

  • Pair farro in dishes with legumes
  • Serve farro as a side dish or salad

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is a seed that is prepared and eaten as a grain. It tastes like brown rice and has a high content of amino acids, protein, and fibre. It’s a good source of magnesium, a mineral we need for blood pressure regulation, muscle relaxation, and vitamin D metabolism.

This white or red seed is also gluten-free. Because of its high fibre content, it supports heart health and can help in losing weight.

Best ways to eat quinoa for weight loss

  • Cook quinoa in milk or water to make breakfast porridge
  • Toast quinoa to make a crunchy snack or salad ingredient

4. Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice is prepared by chopping cauliflower as small as rice grains and slightly steamed. You can also cook it on the stovetop or in a rice cooker. It can be eaten as is or with other dishes.

Each cup of cauliflower rice has Vitamin C, which is equivalent to a day’s supply that your body needs. The best thing about cauli rice is its mild taste, making it easy to cook with any seasoning you like.

Best ways to eat cauliflower rice for weight loss

  • Eat cauliflower rice as a side dish
  • Serve cauliflower rice with stir-fry meals

5. Barley

This grain is not as popular as others but it contains fibre and the element selenium. It can be boiled and eaten like rice. Barley has a chewy texture and nutty flavour, similar with farro.

Aside from eating pearled or flaked barley as a rice substitute, barley flour is also available for cooking or baking.

Best ways to eat barley for weight loss

  • Have barley porridge or pancakes for breakfast
  • Use barley in soups, stews, or risotto

6. Couscous

Couscous is one of many low-carb rice alternatives for weight loss because of its high protein and fibre content. It looks like grain, but couscous is a type of pasta from semolina or ground durum wheat.

Eating it plain is the best way to lose some fats and extra weight. Adding olive oil or butter can increase calories and add some fats but it is still at a healthy level.

Best ways to eat couscous for weight loss

  • Eat couscous with any saucy dish like stews
  • Have couscous salad as a post-workout meal or snack

7. Sweet Potato Rice

Sweet potato rice is another alternative to rice that is low in carbohydrates and calories. With sweet potatoes abundantly growing in many places, this can also be a low-cost meal.

This low-carb rice alternative is made by chopping sweet potatoes into pieces the size of rice grains. It is steamed until it is soft and eaten alone or with some other dishes. With its high Vitamin C and fibre content, it has become a healthy option for people aiming to lose weight.

Ideally, choose white sweet potatoes over purple or yellow ones if you want to slim down.

Best ways to eat sweet potato rice for weight loss

  • Steam or boil sweet potatoes then season with herbs, spices, or garlic
  • Make sweet potato poke or sushi bowl

7. Bulgur Wheat

Bulgur wheat is also called cracked wheat. When cooked, it looks like rice. Its high fibre content and plant-based protein can facilitate digestion and promote the health of your gut.

Low in carbohydrates and high in fibre and other minerals, it is a popular rice alternative for people who are trying to slim their waistline and lose weight.

Best ways to eat sweet potato rice for weight loss

  • Use bulgur as a stuffing for vegetables like pepper or zucchini
  • Add bulgur to salads or lentil soup

9. Broccoli Rice

Broccoli is a leafy vegetable that is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, fibre, and potassium. You can use it as a rice alternative by cutting the broccoli into sizes as small as rice grains.

Sauteed broccoli rice is a delicious and filling meal with very low carbohydrate content. If you want to lose weight without fasting, this meal is a great rice alternative.

Best ways to eat broccoli rice for weight loss

  • Mix riced broccoli with cauliflower rice for extra flavour and texture
  • Make seasoned broccoli rice for burrito bowls or as a taco filling

10. Freekeh

If you are fond of cereal food, freekeh can be a great substitute for rice. Roasting and rubbing the grains from durum wheat result in a unique flavour. Among all grains, it has the highest protein and fibre content.

Best ways to eat freekeh for weight loss

  • Pair freekeh with yogurt and fruit for a healthy parfait
  • Add freekeh in salads, soups, veggie bowls, and stews

Add Healthy Rice Alternatives to Your Diet

Following a low-carb or low-calorie diet to lose weight does not have to be bland and boring. Swap white rice with chopped vegetables like cauliflower or broccoli instead. You can also use whole grains like bulgur, barley, and farro.

With so many low-carb rice alternatives, you can enjoy a variety of nutritious meals without missing important nutrients.

For more nutrition-packed meal substitute ideas, check out our Lady Shake and PhenQ reviews!

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