Going to the gym to exercise can be expensive or inconvenient for some. So, burning calories and building muscles at home is your next best alternative. But are good workouts possible in small spaces like your tiny home or apartment?

Limited floor space should not keep you from being active and fit.

After all, there are several exercises you can do no matter where you are. Some require small equipment, and others work with just the floor or wall of your home. All you need is to be flexible about your choice of physical activity.

Here are a few space-friendly exercises you can try.

See which ones are doable in your tiny home gym and use them to create a new workout plan.

1. Have a Fun Jumping Rope Session

The jump rope workout is perfect for small spaces. All you need is a rope to burn about 300 calories in 20 minutes, depending on your weight.

It is a very effective calorie burner as it is a full-body workout, primarily targeting your calves, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

This exercise can also increase your heart rate quickly, making it ideal for boosting cardio health.

Ideally, use a plastic-segmented or beaded rope to avoid tangling.

Also, as this exercise involves lots of bouncing, wear appropriate workout clothing, like cushioned shoes and encapsulation sports bras for women.

It’s easy to feel breathless with this exercise, though.

So, start with a short session, then progress to a 5 to 15-minute routine when you feel more comfortable.

And if you don’t have a jump rope, try ghost jumping or an imaginary jump rope session instead.

Jumping jacks are also a good alternative.

2. Try Beginner-Friendly Kettlebell Exercises

Similar to jump rope sessions, kettlebell workouts are doable in small spaces.

A high-quality kettlebell is also easy to store and has a minimal footprint.

Best of all, kettlebell exercises can burn tons of calories quickly.

A 2010 study noted that 20-minute kettlebell sessions burn 272 calories on average.

And it’s because working out with a kettlebell requires full-body swing motions, targeting your upper and lower body muscles.

When using a kettlebell, stand tall, then lift your chest and shoulders before going back down.

Tighten your core muscles before you make any move.

Do this throughout the routine, and avoid holding your breath. Rhythmically move the kettlebell but do not fling it.

If you want to tone your back and abs, try doing the kettlebell halo by holding the weight upside down with both hands and then moving it above your head.

Keep your shoulder down with your chest out and your abs tight. Rotate the torso from the waist in a circle.

Check out this in-depth article to learn more beginner-friendly kettlebell exercises.

Kettlebell Exercise at Home

3. Meditate with Different Yoga Poses

Mindful meditation, like yoga, is one of the popular workout trends you can do in small spaces.

You only need room to unroll a mat and some online yoga videos.

Yoga may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you want to burn calories.

But surprisingly, a yoga session can torch between 180 and 460 calories, depending on its type and intensity.

And aside from caloric burn, this workout can give you other benefits like enhanced body balance and flexibility.

Just make sure to have proper yoga wear on even when exercising at home.

That way, you can move or stretch comfortably and avoid accidents.

4. Perform Various Wall Exercises

Workouts in small spaces are doable anywhere with a blank wall.

I especially like this idea as you do not need any equipment.

Also, there are plenty of wall exercises to try.

Wall sprints

Stand in front of the wall, about an arm-length away. Then, place your hands on the wall, leaning your body forward at a 45-degree angle.

Next, bend and raise your right knee to your chest, followed by the left knee, as if sprinting in place.

Do this alternately and slowly or quickly a few times, depending on your fitness capacity.

Wall squats

Put your back against the wall, then slide down until you make a 90-degree angle with your hips, knees and ankles.

Hold this squat position for 10 seconds, stand back up, and repeat. Wall squats target the leg and core muscles.

Wall planks

Stand in front of the wall, about an arm-length away. Place your hands flat on the wall, then your forearms.

Your body should be leaning forward at a 45-degree angle. Hold this planking position for as long as you can or up to 1 minute.

Take a break before repeating and doing as many planks as you like.

When doing this small-space workout, make sure to do it on a flat, sturdy wall for safety.

Wall push-ups

Stand in front of the wall, about an arm-length away. Place your hands on the surface with your legs straight and feet slightly apart.

Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Keep your head straight and neutral, then bend your elbows to lower your chest and head towards the wall.

Your chest and head should be close to the wall but not touching it.

Hold the push-up for a few seconds, then straighten your arms to the original position.

Repeat and keep doing as many wall push-ups as you can.

Wall Push-Ups

5. Do Some Floor Exercises

Your small hallway, basement, garage and porch at home are perfect for floor exercises.

But if you don’t have any of these, you can always move a few pieces of furniture to the corner and free up some room in your living area.

Once done, unroll your exercise or yoga mat and try these small-space workouts.


This floor exercise is a go-to for strengthening the core and arm muscles. Good thing you can do it even with minimal space.

Start by getting your hands (shoulder-width apart) and the balls of your feet on the floor. Keep your body straight.

Next, bend your elbows to a 90-degree position, bringing your body close to the floor. Hold this for a bit, raise your body, and then repeat.

Start with a few repetitions or do as many push-ups as possible.

Mountain climbers

Start by getting into a push-up position with feet hip-width apart.

Next, step your right foot forward, pulling your knee close to your chest.

Repeat this motion alternately with your left foot.

When doing this exercise, maintain the proper form with your body straight and back flat.

When comfortable, perform mountain climbers at a faster pace for 1 minute.

It’s an excellent cardio exercise without running on the pavement and hurting your joints.


Planking should be part of your small-space workout session if you want to target your abdominal muscles.

And similar to a wall plank, start by positioning your body in a push-up position and putting your forearms flat on the floor.

You can also clasp your hands together if you like. Next, keep your body straight and do not let your hips sag to the floor.

Hold the plank position for a minute or as long as you can. Slowly bring your body down to take a break, then repeat.


Here’s another floor exercise for your abs. Start by laying on your back, with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor.

Next, place your hands at the back of your head. You can also cross your arms over your chest if you prefer.

Then, pull yourself up by bending at the waist and bringing your arms close to your knees.

Use your core muscles, not your neck, when lifting your upper body.

Also, keep your feet flat on the ground or have a workout partner hold them down for you.

If you’re a beginner, doing three sets with ten repetitions is a good start.

Alternatively, do as many crunches as you can for 1 minute.


If you find crunches too hard, you can do bicycles as an alternate floor exercise.

Keep the same starting position with your back on the floor, knees bent, and hands behind your head.

Next, bring one bent leg close to your upper body as you extend the other leg straight out.

Do this alternately, back and forth, as if you are pedalling.

Once you get the hang of this motion, bring your core muscles to the mix by slightly lifting your chest.

Then, move one elbow to the side as you lift one leg. It’s like pedalling and twisting at the same time.

Do as many bicycles as you can for 1 minute.

Stair Step-Up Workout

6. Tone Your Legs with Step-Ups

Do you have a staircase at home? If yes, consider using it for your small-space workout session.

Going up and down the stairs a few times can effectively tone your legs and target your glutes and hamstrings.

You can also hold light dumbbells to level up your step-up workout.

But if you have a one-storey home, you can simulate this exercise using an aerobic stepper or plyo box.

Adding step aerobics to your fitness plan is one way to spice up your workout routine and reap health benefits.

This list of fat-burning aerobic stepper exercises should go well with your favourite workout playlist, too!


Calorie-burning and heart-pumping workouts are effective even in small spaces.

You only need to be a little resourceful and creative.

So, do a few basic exercises I mentioned above to target as many muscles as possible in one workout session.

Also, check out these exercise equipment reviews and see which ones are perfect for your fitness goals and small home gym space.

This list of work-from-home exercise equipment might add variety to your workouts, too.

1. Is exercising at home better than going to the gym?

Working out at home, even in small spaces, is convenient, accessible, practical and safe. Sometimes, work life can hinder us from visiting a commercial gym. And so, home workouts become the next best alternative. They’re a big time-saver, too.

2. What are the most effective glute exercises I can do at home?

Squats, lunges and step-ups are familiar moves that can tone your butt muscles and are doable with or without equipment. The most effective way to work your glutes is to perform various exercises that target your butt from all angles. For best results, spend 1 to 3 days of glute training weekly, then allocate about 48 hours between butt workouts to let the muscle recover.

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